This plugin just add the Rundeck Execution Link to an given JIRA ticket and creates an automated relation between your ticket system and operational tool.
To install download the latest version from GitHub. Use the upload Plugin function and choose the downloaded zip file.
Add an Option Field to your Rundeck job for the corresponding JIRA issue and use this option value inside the plugin.
The Plugin is installed as Workflow Plugin. The JIRA server url, username and password can be placed in the Rundeck keystore and choosed from them. The JIRA ticket id is used from the option field, this can be optional - If no ticket id is given nothing happend so far, this is good for dry-runs and tests.
The Rundeck link and link title are optional, but can be overwritten.
Thats all so far. Everytime you execute now this Rundeck job and link to the execution will be added to the give JIRA issue.